Fan App "Behind Castle"

4.0 ( 6560 ratings )
Geliştirici: Tal Harris

"Theres an app for that!?" Richard Castle, "Tick Tick Tick".

The Behind Castle app is an essential tool for fans of the ABC television series Castle. If you suffer from OCD (Obsessive Castle Disorder) and need your daily fix of Castle, Beckett, Ryan, Esposito and the rest of the team youll want to download this app so you can take your obsession wherever you go.

Features include:

* ABC & TNT Schedule Calendar
* Podcast with Cast & Crew interviews
* News, Member articles, Trivia and more
* Spoilers
* Cast & Episode Photos
* Episode Guide for all seasons
* Castle Cast & Crew Tweets
* Watch Videos (no full episodes)
* Social Wall, Chat & Forums access
* Easy access to websites including ABC, TNT &